Thursday, February 15, 2007

I'm a Canadian, eh?!
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As teachers, the internet now provides us with a growing number of webquests. No portal or agency exists to qualify them as pedagogically sound or appropriate for the age levels we may be teaching. This is a problem.

Often, I believe teachers knowingly ignore the weaknesses in webquests. They do this because webquests, as a "genre" environment for learning, link students to technology and the web, therefore this outweighs any weaknesses. We want to be "connected".

Fortunately, a good teacher can steer students around the bad areas of a quest. Unfortunately, some teachers will, again, ignore them and press on through the quest, mistakenly thinking they are doing well by their students and the educational system. Indeed, simply by mentioning that you are doing a webquest in the staffroom can get lots of positive attention.

So...what can we do?...
